
concept of 'fold, fly...'

it is my intention with this work to shed light on a current ecological observation through community involvement. art often serves as a tangible median between observations of life and the wishes of those living. with this piece, i have made a symbolic animal population, one i have personally witnessed deplete in my back yard. 

birds are calendars, aeronautical acrobats, entertainers. they are symbols of freedom and travel. they, as a flock, are community oriented. 

by transposing these traits onto our own social structure (one which is not so intrinsically different) i am offering a chance for positive comparison and influence. to be without such fine examples would surely be a loss to the future. 

it is with this in mind that i offer this digital drawing/sculpture. by printing and then assembling this small paperwork, you are adding to the small population of birds in the downtown installation. this action (small, meditative, taking only a bit of time and resources) is intended to serve as a metaphor for actual avian births, and to inspire preservation of such animals.